A typical London street

On a typical London street in the early 1900s, you might see a team of men called the lamplighters cycling around, and climbing up big ladders to light the streetlights. Streetlights were run off gas rather than electricity, and the lamplighters had to make sure that they stayed lit. 

You might also see ‘bobbies’ – this is what people often called policemen. There would be local policemen who patrolled the area in case there were any crimes or someone needed help. They had whistles that they would blow if there was trouble or if they needed help from other policemen. 

An illustration of a policeman ©Shirley Hughes 2014

The road sweeper came every now and then to make sure that the road was clean enough. He would sweep the surface of the road and the gutters to make sure that there was no dirt or rubbish left there. In some areas there were local traders who went around with a cart of things to sell, like flowers, muffins or logs for the fire. In very hot weather there were water carts that sprayed water on the road to keep it cool. 


A photograph of a road sweeper in 1901